We've partnered with Cashmere Circle, experts in cashmere aftercare, to bring a luxurious and eco-conscious repair, rejuvenation, and recycling service to customers in the UK. This service aims to prolong the life of your cherished cashmere items.
Cashmere Repair
Cashmere Repair
Whether it's fixing minor holes with precision, patching more extensive damages, or refreshing your favorite designs through gentle cleaning and de-pilling, our partnership with Cashmere Repair ensures that you can continue to enjoy your cherished knits for many years.
About Cashmere Repair:
Cashmere Repair is an innovative collective of cashmere designers and luxury knitwear specialists. Their mission is to rescue and rejuvenate the nation's cashmere collection. Employing artisanal methods rooted in traditional craftsmanship, the Cashmere Repair team invisibly repairs holes, removes stains, and revitalizes natural yarns, restoring cashmere to its opulent best through a range of services.